Improving the A3 in Esher and Walton constituency

Traffic from the A3 has been a long-standing problem in our constituency. I am calling for National Highways and local councils to prioritise local improvements to the A3 to reduce the flow of A3 traffic through our communities.

I am seeking your views to demonstrate the strength of feeling on this issue, and to help find a permanent solution to this problem.

Please fill out my survey below to let me know your thoughts.

A3 Residents' Survey

  • Current A3 Residents' Survey
  • Your details
1. Which of the following local areas best describes where you live?
2. Do you support my campaign for improvements to the A3 to reduce the flow of traffic through your community?
3. Do you feel that traffic from the A3 has had a negative impact on your quality of life?
4. Do you feel your daily activities (e.g., taking children to school, going shopping on the local high street, getting to work) are negatively impacted by increased traffic from the A3?